Foundation for Local Government Reform
2009/03: Call for Proposals Announced
In the framework of the project "The Good Governance Principles: Bridging Citizens and Governments" FLGR announced call for proposals for local NGOs from the 2 pilot municipalities: at the FLGR website – on the 10 March, and on the 12 March 2009 – in the e-weekly, that reaches 9400 subscribers.
The total sum available for funding is 16,000 USD, and one project can apply for a maximum grant of 4,000 USD. Maximum 90% of the projects costs will be covered by the grants.
Projects will be supported that:
  • Adequately inform citizens on the functions, procedures of the local government authorities in terms of the good governance principles application;
  • Form a culture and mechanisms for citizens participation in the decision making process at local level;
  • Introduce effective mechanisms of citizens’ monitoring of the work of the municipal administrations;
  • Ensure adequate and effective citizen participation in the formulation, monitoring and implementation of local policies, based on partnership and transparency;
  • Realize forms of dialogue and partnership between the local administrations and the businesses and socio-economic partners for better understanding and responding to their lawful needs.
The deadline for submission of project proposals is 13 April 2009.

The Project "The Good Governance Principles: Bridging Citizens and Governments" is supported by GMF/ The Balkan Trust for Democracy/ Bulgaria Fund.

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