Foundation for Local Government Reform
2008/12: 2 information meetings and a focus group organized
In December 2008 the team of FLGR organized and held first informational meetings with NGOs in Sofia and Pazardzhik and a focus-group with the local business representatives in Pazardzhik. The main focus of the meetings were the 12 good governance principles, as described in the Valencia Declaration[1] of the European Ministers responsible for local and regional government (2007) and the choice of a priority intervention area to work in throughout the project.
The participants in the meetings answered detailed questionnaires, concerning the different areas of functioning of the municipal administration.

The participants in the meetings had to make their choice for a priority area in the field of implementation of good governance principles at local level among:
  • Environment and Nature Protection
  • Administrative Services and Public Procurement
  • Social Services and Social Care
  • Municipal Budget and Fiscal Policy
  • Municipal Property and Lands Management
  • Strategic Planning and Integrated Local Development
  • Other, proposed at the meeting
The participants proposed and chose the theme “Cooperation between local government and the citizens” as a priority.
The meetings are carried out within the project entitled The Good Governance Principles: Bridging Citizens and Governments, financially supported by GMF/The Balkan Trust for Democracy/Bulgaria Fund.

Valencia Declaration

[1] Ministers from the member states of the Council of Europe adopted the “Valencia Declaration” which sets out their agreement on a number of important proposals aimed at promoting good democratic governance in Europe, Valencia, 16.10.2007. The ministers further endorsed the Strategy on Innovation and Good Governance at Local Level, which aims to mobilise action by national and local authorities through a public commitment to 12 Principles of Good Democratic Governance.
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