Foundation for Local Government Reform
2016/05: Successfully Implemented Project

At the end of April 2016 the project " Promoting citizen participation in the formulation and implementation of policies for regional and local development" was successfully completed by the Regional Association for Development and Innovation - Mizia and FLGR.

Aim of the project was to ensure effective participation of citizens and their organizations in the process of forming and implementing policies for regional and local development (PRLD).

Specific objective of the project was to improve citizen capacity and create working forms of real participation of citizens and their organizations in the process.

The principles of project work were:

1. Working in partnership with central, regional, district and local authorities;

2. Implementation of recommendations for improving the mechanisms of civil society participation in elaboration and implementation of policies;

3. Enhancing the capacity of stakeholders - government bodies, NGOs and citizens to effectively participate in making and implementing policies;

4. Popularization of project activities and achieved results in order to raise public awareness about the importance of citizen participation in regional and local policies.

Information about the project activities:

Conducted 12 focus groups (2 in each planning region) with 180 participants.


Conducted 8 trainings for decision makers, public administration and civil society structures on "Participation of citizens in the process of formulating and implementing policies for regional and local development" with more than 150 participants.

(Photos: )

Held 4 forum sessions of the Regional Public Forum in Plovdiv on "Maritsa River as a factor for the development of the South Central region."

(Photos: )

Held 4 forum sessions of the Municipal Public Forum in Rodopi municipality titled "Guidelines for the development of tourism in Rodopi municipality concerning the choice of the city of Plovdiv for European Capital of Culture 2019"=

(Photos: )

Held 3 information events with more than 350 participants.

(Photos: )

Promotion Materials of the project:

Banner Rari Mizia_2015-LAST

Info tabela Rari Mizia_2015-LAST


Mizia_plakat Obshtinski forum

Mizia_plakat Regionalen forum

The most important results of the project are:

  • a mechanism for promoting civic participation elaborated,
  • successfully tested model of public forums for the formation of regional and local policies,
  • shared information with stakeholders about the importance of participation in the process of formulating and implementing policies regional and local development.

The target groups of the project - the decision makers on regional and local development at the central, regional, district and municipal level, public officials and civil society organizations - had the opportunity to get acquainted with the basic principles of forming the policies for regional and local development and to gain practical skills in the use of the mechanism in the course of the public forums.

Impact on stakeholders results in increased capacity to organize the process of shaping policies for regional and local development so as to participate and citizens and businesses, and their opinion should be taken into account.

Impact on the stakeholders is the increased capacity to organize the process of formulating policies for regional and local development with the participation of citizens and businesses, and their opinion be taken into account.

As envisaged in the project, the project partners complemented each other in their expertise.

The contribution of FLGR to the project was based on the expert work of the organization in formulating the policies of local and regional development, and its longstanding cooperation with regional and local authorities and NGOs.

Activities FLGR supported the project in the following areas:

- Elaboration of the Analysis of stakeholders in the process of formation and implementation of policies for regional and local development

- Elaboration of the Review and analysis of the legislative policy framework for regional and local development with a focus on problem areas that restrict the participation of citizens in the process;

- preparation of the conditions to collect, summarize and evaluate primary information on obstacles to citizens and their organizations to participate in PRMR by poll-depth interviews and focus groups;

- Conducting trainings and public forums.

The project "Promoting citizen participation in the formulation and implementation of policies for regional and local development" is financed under the NGO Programme in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area.



Regional public forum

Municipal public forum



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