Foundation for Local Government Reform
Interview with Arthur Wiggers, VNG, on the 5th FLGR anniversary - May, 2000

Interview with Arthur Wiggers, VNG, on the 5th FLGR anniversary - May, 2000.

Please, shortly introduce yourself and your relation/involvement with the FLGR.

I am Deputy Head of the International Project Unit of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG). I have been working with the FLGR since early 1995. Together we implemented the project Capacity Building for Local Government in Bulgaria , which I found very inspiring. Work visits and other forms of exchange in both directions have taken place since, and we are now at the point of starting a new project in support of local government in Bulgaria, in which again the FLGR and the VNG will co-operate.

To what extent, according to you, the FLGR succeeded in assisting the development of effective local self-government in Bulgaria?

This is indeed the key-question for any organisation to ask itself: to what extent do we succeed in reaching our objectives. However, the question is not so easy to answer. First, one would have to know to what extent effective local self-government has developed in Bulgaria. And then make the assessment to what extent this is due to the work of FLGR. Difficult issues to judge from as far as the Netherlands. But the fact that FLGR dares ask the question, is a sign of strength and of self-conciousness. On the basis of my observations, I believe that indeed FLGR has contributed a lot to the forming of a movement, or network, of people involved in local self-government and of the local governments as such. This bringing people together has contributed enormously to the increased self-conciousness and capacity of local self-government. And it is definitely a prerequisite for the further development of effective local self-government. Perhaps an even more important element is that the FLGR is a good advocate for the acknowledgement that working in local government is a responsible, challenging and rewarding job!

What did you gain from your partnership/cooperation with the foundation?

Working with the foundation, and through the foundation with local self-government in Bulgaria, has given your country a special place in my heart. I gained a genuine interest for the developments taking place in Bulgaria and for the people working hard to push these developments in a positive direction.

How would you define the FLGR in one single word?


What distinguishes the FLGR from other similar organisations, working in the same field?

Compared with similar organisations throughout the world, FLGR is very efficient, open and reliable: meeting deadlines, providing concrete answers to questions, willing to share information, knowledge, and experience. A most pleasant balance between professionalism (standard of services, business-like approach) and an informal, low barrier, attitude in personal contacts.

What are your future expectations about the FLGR?

There is still so much to be done in the world of local self-government, so, don t give up!

How could the FLGR become a better and more effective organisation your recommendations?

Considering my answers to the other questions, there is obviously not so much need for recommendations. But if you insist I believe that Bulgarian local self-government (and public administration as a whole!) will continue to need FLGR for a long time, next to other institutions working for effective local self-government. For exemple, I am convinced that FLGR and NAMRB both have there own role to play, and can profit from each other s existance. In the medium and long run, the profiles of both organisations shall further develop into even more complementing ones than they are already.

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