Foundation for Local Government Reform
Interview with David Wodynski, ICMA, Washington, on the 5th anniversary of the FLGR - May, 2000

Interview with David Wodynski, ICMA, Washington, on the 5th anniversary of the FLGR - May, 2000.

Please, shortly introduce yourself and your relation/involvement with the FLGR.

My name is David Wodynski, Europe and Eurasia Program Manager for the International City/County Management Association. I have been working with FLGR on the Technical Twinning Program in Bulgaria since its inception in 1996. I have also managed local government management programs in Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Macedonia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan for ICMA since 1995. I am quite honored to contribute to FLGR's special anniversary edition newsletter. Happy 5th Anniversary FLGR! Keep up the great work.

To what extent, according to you, the FLGR succeeded in assisting the development of effective local self-government in Bulgaria?

FLGR has succeeded in improving local self-government in Bulgaria through three major activities:

a) FLGR has established a reliable and objective source of information on local government management through its research, training programs, publications, and Innovative Practice activities.

b) FLGR has provided effective and meaningful services to local governments through its promotion of NGO development and innovation in management, through its Technical Twinning and Subgrant programs.

c) FLGR has become a credible and unified voice for local government reform to all levels of government and to citizens throughout Bulgaria.

What did you gain from your partnership/cooperation with the foundation?

ICMA has had the pleasure of working with FLGR since 1996, when idea of the Bulgarian Technical Twinning program was conceived . Through an institutional partnership between ICMA and FLGR, our management teams have had the opportunity to mature together. We have shared internal management practices, external publications and communications strategies, avenues for constituent relations, through which we have gained as much insight as we have given. FLGR and ICMA also share the same fundamental mission as non-profit, local government service organizations. This shared mission has allowed us to focus on the qualitative aspects of our work, and has allowed us a deeper understanding and partnership, enhancing our collaborative efforts.

How would you define the FLGR in one single word?


What distinguishes the FLGR from other similar organizations, working in the same field?

FLGR has set itself apart from similar organizations in the region on three levels:

1) unparalleled technical and management capacity to serve Bulgarian and other regional local government officials;

2) dedication to non-partisanship in local governance; and

3) clear leadership and vision for its role in local self-government in Southeastern Europe.

What are your future expectations about the FLGR?

I believe that FLGR will continue to grow in stature, but at the same time refine its programs to core areas of expertise. As FLGR continues to assist in the development of other intermediate support organizations throughout Bulgaria, its role within the overall Bulgarian governance landscape will be enhanced and clarified.

How could the FLGR become a better and more effective organization - your recommendations?

FLGR will need the continued support of local, as well as national government leadership throughout Bulgaria. These officials must truly utilize FLGR's offerings to develop consensus on a rational and functional vision of local governance in Bulgaria. Through this continued interaction, FLGR will be able to further improve its services, and also lead the way for true reform in Bulgaria.

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