Foundation for Local Government Reform
Innovative practices in Bulgaria
Sharing innovations for improving local self-government


The resort communities in the municipalities of Teteven, Troyan and Apriltsi began promoting themselves under a common name. The creation of the Balkania tourism region was announced to representatives of the tourism industry and journalists at a meeting in Sofia in October, 2003. The name, Balkania, symbolizes the location of the region, both in the heart of the Balkan Mountain Range and in the center of Bulgaria.

Publication Date: 01 February 2006
Nominations: 3

In the period 08.06 23.06.2005 in Home for old people Svishtov was constructed sun installation for water heating.

During the winter period at lower intensity of sun shining is provided a possibility for heaters accumulators to be warmed up by a caldron installation.

In the period for exploitation of sun collectors can be economized about 44 688 kW/h of energy yearly in conditions of sunny weather. Expected year economies in leva for prize of energy at 0.132 lv./KWh are about 5898,82 lv.

Publication Date: 03 February 2006
Nominations: 2
For the fifth consecutive year, students in the municipality of Mezdra took part in a unique effort to improve public works in the town and the villages. 141 young people were involved in: paving streets, replacing curbs and sidewalks, cleaning shoulders and drainage ditches, reconstructing the stadium, pouring slabs and sidewalks and constructing infrastructure facilities in the largest village in the municipality, Zverino. This year for the first time the students efforts ended with a streetball competition of 6 student teams from the country and abroad.
Publication Date: 01 February 2006
Nominations: 1

The establishment of consultancies for protecting mothers and children in Nadezhda residential area is a practice under a project of the international humanitarian organization, Doctors of the World . The project was implemented as a pilot on improving the status of the minorities. The grand opening of the consultancies was on April 14, 2005.

Publication Date: 01 February 2006
Nominations: 1

Within the frameworks of Participation of citizens in the local finances project of the Sofia association Balkan Assist, which is implemented with the support of Svishtov municipality, in the last 5 months civilians were acquainted and discussed the project for budget 2005, in its income and outcome part.

On February 5 were nominated project ideas, relevant to the solution of actual and significant problems of Svishtov municipality.

Publication Date: 10 January 2006
Nominations: 1

On June 28, 2005 in RPD Svishtov was held a seminar on the criminality prevention, law decrees in relation to criminality among under aged and the integration of the minorities in the municipality. Representatives of Svishtov municipality presented the main principles in the regional policy for integrating ethnic communities, living on the territory of Svishtov municipality. As a result of the implementation of this initiative between the Police and the Municipality was strengthened the communication exchange and the interaction on actual problems.

Publication Date: 10 January 2006
Nominations: 1

The practice "The Bulgarian village European challenges and perspectives" is part of the program for celebration of the Europe Day in the Municipality of Sliven 2004, dedicated to the people coming from the little villages in the municipality. It filled the former lack of information and enriched the people with specific information about the village regions in Europe.

Publication Date: 16 September 2005
Nominations: 2

Municipality City of Dobrich was involved informally in the transparency campaign for local authorities aiming at proving and further developing positions, achieving obvious results and implementing new approaches and ideas, performing open and transparent government through provision of interaction between optimally functioning modern administration and cooperating citizens partners in the atmosphere of mutual confidence .

The beginning of the Campaign introduced discussion on the approach at a meeting with the Mayor , establishment and session of a Working group on the Questionnaire of self - assessment and identifying new ideas and suggestions , resource work , with councilors and NGOs , dissemination of the Transparency poster , etc . The results should be obvious after implementing the general management practice and outlined steps and actions within the Campaign .


Publication Date: 28 January 2005
Nominations: 8

In February 2004 a team of four representatives of the muniicpal council and 5 representatives of the municipal amdinistration Mezdra worked on a Self-Assessment Questionnaire referring to the level of transparency and openness in the work of Mezdra Municipality . After an analysis of the results we realized that 73% of the proposed procedures and practices mentioned in the Questionnaire are implemented in our municipality . The officials from the municipal administration and municipal councilors were acquainted with the questionnaire . The filled in questionnaire was prepared in a special brochure , which was made available for all citizens in the Customer Service Center and was uploaded on the web - site of Mezdra Municipality : www . mezdra . dir . bg

Publication Date: 29 November 2004
Nominations: 4

Municipality City of Dobrich was involved informally in the transparency campaign for local authorities aiming at proving and further developing positions, achieving obvious results and implementing new approaches and ideas, performing open and transparent government through provision of interaction between optimally functioning modern administration and cooperating citizens partners in the atmosphere of mutual confidence .

The beginning of the Campaign introduced discussion on the approach at a meeting with the Mayor , establishment and session of a Working group on the Questionnaire of self - assessment and identifying new ideas and suggestions , resource work , with councilors and NGOs , dissemination of the Transparency poster , etc . The results should be obvious after implementing the general management practice and outlined steps and actions within the Campaign .


Publication Date: 28 January 2005
Nominations: 8
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