In the competition eligible to participate are NGOs and community centers from the 10 municipalities working within the Program: Bobov dol, Bratsigovo, Godech, Ihtiman, Kostenets, Kresna, Peshtera, Sapareva banya, Sopot, Strumyani.
Maximum amount for project funding is 1500 BGN for each project. 3 projects will be selected for final funding. Project ideas could build on already implemented projects within the Program or propose original solutions in other fields of social life. Projects are to be with duration period of two months and end up not later than November 20, 2006.
Project proposals have to:
- - address concrete needs in the social sphere of the community and should be based on results of focus group work, identified problem fields in social development at local level;
- be oriented to improving cooperation between NGOs, citizens and local governments in solving local issues.