2006/08: Work on Developing Rural Areas in Terms of EU Membership
The Foundation for Local Government Reform within the Improving Social Environment Program will provide technical, financial and methodological support for conducting five open public discussions in two neighbor municipalities - participants in the Program - Kresna and Strumyani - on the basis of the elaborated by FLGR methodology.
The goal of the initiative is establishing inter-municipal Local Action Group (LEADER approach) and elaboration of a joint Local Development Strategy. In a long-term period the successful process would create conditions for sustainable work of the Local Initiative Group and give chance for the Local Strategy to be funded after 2007 within the National Program for Rural Development.
The goal of the initiative is establishing inter-municipal Local Action Group (LEADER approach) and elaboration of a joint Local Development Strategy. In a long-term period the successful process would create conditions for sustainable work of the Local Initiative Group and give chance for the Local Strategy to be funded after 2007 within the National Program for Rural Development.
Representatives of the rest eight municipalities - participants in the Program - will have the opportunity to participate in the process in terms of "learning by doing" method in order to be prepared for active participation in similar activities within their communities.