Foundation for Local Government Reform
2010/05: Feedback from the Good Governance DLC

By the end of May 2010 ended the FLGR Distance learning course "Good Governance Principles at Local Level".

Here are some of the opinions of the participants in the course:

Mrs. Zdravka Syrakova:

Congratulations to the FLGR Training Center for the well-prepared lessons for the course "Good Governance Principles at Local Level". In my opinion the biggest benefit of course are not even the new knowledge or the receiving of the certificate but thee fact that graduates in the future will have at their disposal well-prepared lessons with appropriate tools and examples - good practices, foreign ones included, for implementing of each principle of good governance.

Thank you also for the fact that the lessons and tests, including the final one, were published with a view to the working schedules of participants, making possible the completion of the course, even with changes in one's working timetable.

Ms. Christina Karamfilova:

I thank FLGR Training Centre for well-prepared lessons for the course "Good Governance Principles at Local Level". Extremely useful and interesting for me were best practices included in the lessons and tutorials themselves. Course itself was consistent with the fact that participants were busy at work. The course did not not violate my work schedule at all.

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