The newly launched ERASMUS+ Project Compass addresses the challenge to support the capacity building of people working with youth in the field of innovative entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship and innovative non-profit activities development, through new business youth education model by innovation and exchange practices among 4 partners during 24 months.
Thematic area of the project: Innovations / Youth entrepreneurship / International cooperation Contracting authority: Foundation for the Development of the Education System - National Agency of the Erasmus Program + in Poland, KA2 line - Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices, Strategic partnerships for youth Project leader: Foundation for Support Local Democracy, Małopolska Institute of Local Government and Administration in Kraków, Poland Project partners: The project implemented in the period from 1/09/2019 to 31/08/2021 is aimed to: >> supporting the capacity building of people working with youth and youth work in the field of entrepreneurship development; >> supporting youth education in the field of entrepreneurship and promoting social entrepreneurship and non-profit activities among young people. Target group: youth educators, coaches, trainers, youth leaders and key policy makers responsible of youth policy Main project assumptions: > Project use idea of Wind Rose tool to identified key aspects of youth innovation entrepreneurship activities > Based on 4 Wind Rose directions project develop its main 4 learning subjects: N - Novelties and innovations in entrepreneurship, key competencies for modern economy, S - Self- assessment tools supporting youth personal development focused on innovative entrepreneurship, E - Experiences, best practices of youth innovative entrepreneurship activities, W - Workshops contents, educative scenarios, curricula supporting youth innovative > Result of the project- Intellectual Output- COMPASS Toolkit > Main activities of the project: o 3 Transnational Partners meeting- plans, evaluations, management o 3 Learning, Teaching, training activities- international workshops, trainings o Multiplier Events- toolkit promotion events in each project partners countries
PEDAL Consulting s.r.o.- Slovakia
EDUcentrum, z.ú., Czech Republic
Foundation for Local Government Reform, Bulgaria