Foundation for Local Government Reform
Annual Report 2005

Dear partners and readers,

Herewith the Foundation for Local Government Reform (FLGR) reports on the activities implemented within the period of January December, 2006. Established in 1995 by a group of mayors, the Foundation strengthens its position successfully and works as an independent professional resource center, supporting local democracy.

In 2005 FLGR concentrated its efforts on delivering support to integrated local development and participated actively in the development of the Operational programs for the 2007 2013 period - with regard to Bulgaria s future membership in the European Union. FLGR supported the elaboration of Municipal development plans.

In 2005 FLGR provided different forms of trainings to over 700 people from the whole country. FLGR broadened its network of international partners in the field of life long learning by participating in two projects within Grundvig 1 Program, funded by the European Union, in consortium with EU partners.

In 2005 FLGR published 16 printed publications , 50 electronic newsletters and 12 English electronic monthlies, broadcasted 11 Municipal Radio Forum monthly shows in the Bulgarian National Radio s Horizont Program , increased 6 times the number of unique visits to its website (, included another 267 titles in its online library, motivated the municipal specialists to share 177 new innovative practices, awarded the fourth consecutive Innovative Municipality Award, recruited national newspapers and weeklies as media partners and attracted corporate support for its activities , provided expert input for the Communication Strategy on the European Union.

In 2005 FLGR: continued to provide support to projects of Bulgarian regional associations of municipalities and professional associations of municipal officers; supported the institutional strengthening of the Chitalishta Development Foundation ; continued to deliver advisory and methodological assistance to Bulgarian municipalities with regard to the establishment of citizen information centers; as a Project Office under SDC s Community Forum, supported the development, monitoring and evaluation of over 120 projects in 24 municipalities; continued to be a participant in the consortium implementing the Sustainability Strengthening Strategy for the Non-Governmental Sector in Bulgaria Project, financed by the Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe; supported the implementation of 23 projects under the Social Environment Improvement Program, financed by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.

In 2005 FLGR expanded its support to local governments with regard to the amplification of the effects from international technical partnerships and the replication of best managerial practices and models. The Foundation initiated the maintenance of a wider dialogue with the national agencies and institutions and continued to participate in national and international network and to share experience with its partners.

The proven professionalism makes the FLGR team a desired partner of organizations and institutions, working in the field of local development and local self-government.

11-year experience of FLGR contributes to continuously building on and enriching the variety of services provided to partners and colleagues. As in 2005, FLGR will continue to count on teamwork, network, acquiring new knowledge and introducing innovative practices in order to accomplish its strategic goals.

Ginka Kapitanova,

Executive Director, FLGR

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