Foundation for Local Government Reform
First call for proposals
visits: 2208
The first call for proposals under the NGO Fund Bulgaria within the EEA FM was closed on October 15th, 2008. Below is a brief statistical information:
Total number of projects submitted: 321
Number of projects submitted under Priority area 1: Protection of the environment and promotion of sustainable development: 93
Total budget  – 6 527 245,83 EUR
Requested grant amount – 5 150 336,39 EUR
Number of projects submitted under Priority area 2: Provision and development of social services, such as in health and childcare: 120
Total budget  – 8 382 078,54 EUR
Requested grant amount – 7 326 557,14 EUR
Number of projects submitted under Priority area 3: Development of civil society and protection of human rights: 108
Total budget  – 6 357 760,49   EUR
Requested grant amount – 5 639 821,14   EUR
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