The Foundation for Local Government Reform - an independent professional resource center supporting local democracy, founded by a group of mayors in 1995.
When it comes to:
- dialogue, consensus and joint initiatives
- professional training and development
- tailored, need based information
- grant management and technical assistance
- international cooperation and networking
- facilitating business linkages
Team of 22 experienced professionals provides customized information and technical assistance, provokes innovations in local self-government, acts as a mediator and shares practical expertise with a broad network of domestic and international partners.
FLGR has delivered more than 500 training seminars with overall 10 000 participants.
FLGR communication channels reach more than 50 000 visitors monthly through the Internet site, 2 300 subscribers through its newsletters and more than 3 900 read the weekly Electronic Newsletter.
50 Customer Service Municipal Centres were established with the financial assistance and consultations of FLGR experts.
The new marketing web site already provoked the interest of 50 foreign prospects. Through the Bulgarian Local Economic Development Partnership initiated by FLGR 5 foreign companies invested in Bulgaria employing more than 100 people.
FLGR developed and published the Methodology for Preparing Municipal Development Plans commissioned by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, which is used by all 264 Bulgarian municipalities.
FLGR has provided funding worth 4 000 000 USD to projects and initiatives of 98 municipalities and 195 NGOs in Bulgaria.
FLGR is an anchor organization for Local Government Information Network (LOGIN), an information clearinghouse designed to promote the professional development of local government officials in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
FLGR has experience in Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Romania and Serbia and Montenegro.