Foundation for Local Government Reform (FLGR) is an independent professional resource centre, supporting local democracy.
Mission of the Foundation for Local Government Reform is to support local democracy and promote effective, partnership-based local development, based on democratic values, social inclusion and prosperity.
FLGR was established in May 1995.FLGR has a 5-member Governing Body.
Objectives of FLGR:-
Short-term objectives: Investment in the social capital at local and regional level, increase of the capacity of citizens and NGOs to effectively participate in the decision making process, and local governance based on the 12 principles of good governance.
Medium-term objectives: Support for effective, partnership-based local and regional development, based on democratic values, social inclusion and prosperity.
Long-term objectives: Building of vibrant dynamic communities with strong participatory local self-government, with high standards of living, sustainable development and competitive local economy.
- Training
Participatory Local Governance
Good Governance and Integrity
Better Administrative Services
Innovative Practices
Increasing the capacity of the NGO sector
Strategic planning
FLGR through study visits and exchanges supported the development of local democracy in Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, Georgia, Kosovo, Romania, Kaliningrad Region, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.
FLGR was part of the Mayors Making the Most of EU Funds for Roma Inclusion Network (MERI) 2013 - 2014.
FLGR is a founding member of Donor Fund Bulgaria.